So judgemental....

Jessica • I`m Jessica :)
I am pregnant with twins and I have the choice to try vaginal (as long as they cooperate) or do a c-section... Anyone who knows me, knows that pain and I are NOT friends. I am terrified of pain and the thought of a vaginal birth gives me SO MUCH ANXIETY and honestly makes me scared of having my kiddos. I know C-Sections can hurt too, but here's the other thing... With twins, there's no guarantee because even if they are both head down and ready to come out, after the first one comes, there is potential for the other one to realize it has room and start flipping around! In which case I would be left with 1 vaginal AND 1 csec. I refuse to have a sore vagina AND a sore incision. And I don't want to risk that BUT everyone is making me feel like crap because I don't wanna go "natural" "try and do it natural" "you'll regret it" blablabla. I will not go natural, even if I did choose vaginal, I would get an epidural, but everyone that knows that, except my husband is totally making me feel like less of a mother because I want a c-section! And it pisses me off!