Someone please help me 😞

So I'm 17 years old & me and my boyfriend had sex on Valentine's Day with a condom. This wasn't his first time, but it was mine. So of course, I bled. Then the day later I had my period. Well, yesterday we had sex with a condom, then we finish and go and eat. We go back to his house and we had sex laying down sideways, but he didn't have a condom on. And today I woke up and I was bleeding, I'm thinking it's my period. It's like 2 days early but that's fine. It's just that it's not a lot of blood and when I check my pad it's red but with some clear discharge that you can see. Can someone just please help me by telling me if I'm pregnant or not. I don't want to be. Can anyone please answer, it'd mean so much to me! 
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Even if you were, it's waaay too early to tell. Don't stress yourself out about it girl


Anet • Mar 22, 2016
So if I were to buy the First Response Rapid Result Pregnancy Test, would that be any help or?


Adri • Mar 21, 2016
Virgins usually bleed when they have sex, sometimes more than once. That could be the blood you see


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I know it's not what you wanna hear but you're gonna have to wait and see. But next time please don't have sex without a condom of you don't wanna baby. And it wouldn't be a bad idea to be on birth control as extra precaution because condoms do fail sometimes.