Bad contractions for an entire day

Tamara • 20 & engaged :) wasn't planning on this, but we are so excited none the less! ❤️😍👶👪
Woke up at 3am yesterday to terrible contractions 10 mins apart, lost mucus plug at 6am. Went to the hospital last night at 5pm cause contractions were 3-5 mins apart for an hour, was 100% effaced and 1.5cm dilated when admired. Within half an hour was 2cm dilated so they had me stay. Didn't dilate any further till 10pm so they had me leave at 11pm. Today, contractions slowed down in the morning to every 10 mins, but were much stronger. Have been 4 mins apart since 3, had cervix checked at the clinic where my ob was at 5pm, only 2-3 cm dilated. They've been so strong I have to stop what I'm doing entirely, and are like a minute long, but I can still somewhat talk through them. They don't want me to go to the hospital yet, but nothing has gotten any better, and is just increasingly painful :( when does it end ☹ due date is April First so they won't just break my water