I want it.....

I want a child so damn bad. I understand my mother had a hard time raising me because she was a single mother with 3 children and sometimes couldnt even feed herself. And even though i know im not financially stable... I believe living poor or even an average life will make my child humble. Greatful even. Tonight my boyfriend and i were having sex and at the last minute he pulled out.... And idk why but im so mad..... With me being 19 and him 18 (a month till 19) i know I shouldn't want a child this badly. We've had the baby talk ... And he doesn't want one because he wants to wait till we are financially stable.... The thought of having his child is so strong.... I love him..... He loves me.... Why does it seem so wrong to want a baby this bad? To get pissed because he didnt cum in me? Idk what the fuck im thinking anymore....... Save me from myself.