Don't know what to think!!

I went in for my first Dr. Appt today and an ultra sound.  They could not find anything.  She said there was nothing there she checked my tubes to make sure it was there.   The Dr said that I could be really early and that was why they could not see anything.   This is my 7th pregnant and I have never tested positive before 6-8 weeks.  I am so heartbroken.   I have had no bleeding my boobs feel like they are going to fall off they hurt so bad and I am nauseated all the time.  She said I may just be about 3 weeks and that is why it's not showing.   Has anyone ever had this happen.   This is the test I took yesterday.    
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Posted at
You could be too early to see anything. Your HCG levels need to be 7000+ I think to see anything. Give it time :). Positive thoughts.


Posted at
Have your blood tested to check your levels. Good luck!