Possibly pregnant???


Hubby and I have been trying to conceive for a year and a half now with no luck at all. We've had a miscarriage and an ectopic which caused me to lose my left Fallopian tube. 
Today AF is two days late but I have no pregnancy symptoms. I've been having some slight cramping that's on and off, my boobs have barely started to slightly hurt with slight nausea in the morning and some fatigue . I'm scared to test because I'm so scared of another BFN. Has anyone been pregnant and not had any symptoms? 
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Posted at
Mee👌I've never had morning sickness or anything.... Only cramping in the 1st trimester... I'm 26 weeks pregnant now.....     ✨GOOD LUCK & BABY DUST✨


Ja • Mar 25, 2016
I'm hoping that I'm pregnant and have no symptoms lol


Posted at
Same with me :( I get slightly nauseous , my cramping can get a little intense sometimes but then it goes away. I get random mild headache. AF isn't due for another 4 days. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't come. 


Posted at
I felt beyond the usual PMS moodiness and I had shooting pains up my vagina (super weird, I know). I tested 3 days before my missed period and got my positive. A week or so after my missed period, my boobs got swollen and really sore. Nausea started about week 6 


Merm • Mar 25, 2016
I'm currently 7 weeks. Found out a few days before I was 4 weeks


Ja • Mar 25, 2016
Are you currently pregnant still? I'm really hoping that if I am pregnant I'm hoping the baby will stick