The pill and implant? Help?

I got the implant August just gone, I didn't stop bleeding for about 6 months, as in I would be on my period for 17 days, it's would stop and then 3 days later of be back on for have days. I'd have a few days where I'd be off then I'd be back on. I just thought to myself enough a enough and I went to get it removed because not only that but I was really emotional all the time. When I got to the clinic they told me I couldn't have it removed unless I made an appointment in advance. They then told me to go on the pill for 3 months as this would stop my bleeding and then stop taking it. So I did. I've been really really bad with mood swings. It's affecting everything to the point where my boyfriend told me to get tested for bipolar. The other night my sister was on the phone and she said o should've never took the pill at the same time. It's two hormones in my body and they told her to do that with the injection it's messed up her life and ruined her cycle. I'm still taking it but I'm really unsure what to do I still have a month of the pill left? Should I finish the course or stop taking them?