Advice for women whose husbands struggle with low motility

Jaimie • EDD 12/4. Always looking for new mommy friends. Add me on fb:
My husband and I spent 3 years TTC on our own before finally getting some lab work and  fertility assistance. My husband had a decent sperm count but very low motility (less than 1% of the good sperm were swimming straight). After our initial lab work and consultation back in January of this year, my husband made the following adjustments: 
No more energy drinks
No more alcohol 
Switched from briefs to boxers 
He started using Fertilaid (OTC)
We started using Preseed before sex (OTC) 
Fast forward 3 months, and we just got our BFP! I think the most notable thing is that, in Europe, energy drinks are known to negatively affect male fertility. Well my husband was drinking 4+ monsters daily. It's been one hell of a journey, as I know all the women in this particular thread know all too well. I hope someone finds this helpful, 3 months of modified behavior and we got pregnant naturally. Baby dust to all who need it.