Personal Business

So my fiancé and I got into a huge argument today and I will admit that I was the one in the wrong. All day I tried everything I could to make it better. I apologized every five seconds, I went way out of my way to bring him what he wanted while he was at work which was not easy since he's the one with our only vehicle. As I was doing everything I could think of to try and show him that I was going to make it better, I get on Facebook just to see that he has posted something about my personal life on his Facebook for his entire family and friends to see. I saw comments and "likes" from his relatives and I just couldn't believe it. Everyone was just talking shit, I'll admit that what I had done (what he had posted about) was wrong and I should have never done it but don't you think that's my personal business and he had no right to share it? So after seeing what everyone had to say, I told him that I want nothing to do with his family anymore. I didn't want them knowing anything further about my pregnancy because it's my business and if I don't want them knowing then that's how it should be. Am I right or wrong?? He did go back and remove the post but still, the damage was already done. Am I still the wrong one for saying I want nothing to do with his family anymore? I don't go and run to Facebook or my family when we have issues because that's our personal business. He's done this before and his mother has already told him to leave me once because she wants to see her "baby" happy. That hurt too. I guess I just needed to rant and get this all out somewhere besides Facebook. At least I don't know anyone of you ladies on here so I feel like I'm not truly talking shit.