Personal Rant about Life and Late Periods

Lin • hufflepuff with a wide ravenclaw streak
I'm going to rant and release this negative energy. March has not been my month. 
- My place of work is closing in May. I'm watching coworkers get fired everyday. I don't know when my last day will be. I don't have a second job lined up yet. 
- Everybody at work no longer gives a damn about anything. Reasonable right? No! I work with special needs children (mostly autism) at a treatment facility. These children are going nuts because they don't know where they're going or even why they're going somewhere else. Their anxiety and thus behavioral problems are through the roof. 
- In all the confusion, my vacation request got freaking lost. I'm livid. 
- I'm about to make a huge financial commitment with student loans (getting my masters degree - whoo!!)
- Did my taxes. I owe a shitload. WHHHYY. Where's this "taxes are unconstitutional" party I keep hearing about? I'm ready to drop some tea. 
- I'm breaking out more than usual in unusal places. It's awful. I get a lot of confidence from having a clear complexion. 
- I was five days late. Usually I'm pretty regular. Scared I was pregnant until I went to the doctor. Good news: not pregnant. 
- Bad news: came back positive with a yeast infection. Wonderful. 
- I'm maid of honor yet couldn't make it to my best friends bridal shower. 
I'm ready for April.