My New "little" one

Sleeping on dads legs. This is my LO (Davin).  After 2 days of preterm labor I was admitted 4cm dilated. I got an epidural coming in because I was already exhausted after 2 days of consistent contractions every 5 minutes and barely being to eat.  So coming into things the nurse checks on me and 5 hours later I am stuck at 4cm dilated.  Another 10 hours go by and at this point they bring up using pitocin (oxytocin) to speed things along. Starting at 1ml/hr I stalled at 5 cm after 4 hours. Then they increased me again and I stall at 6 cm. I continue to stall until I hit 7cm where my "little" guy started having some minor vitals fluctuations so they stopped my pitocin at 10 ml/hr. At this point I'm on oxygen because I'm barely able to breath due to the epidural working a little too well plus I'm an asthmatic. The longer labor is affecting his vitals.  In the end I stalled at 9cm but we pushed and then 2 hours of pushing later the reason for all the pain and soreness for me my son came out 9 lbs 9 ounces 21 1/2 inches.  Keeping in mind I am only 5'0" (60 inches)..