Egg allergy


My son is almost 7 months old and I am very careful what goes into his mouth. I make all his food myself and I BF with the occasional formula bottle each day. Anyways my doc told me at our last app to introduce eggs to him around 8-9 months because we need to know if he has allergy for his next group of needles.

We had our easter dinner yesterday and my mom made lemon pie. (Nothing fancy just the boxed stuff) To make a long story short against my wishes she gave the baby 2 dabs of the lemon filling on the end of her finger. Nothing much but within 3 mins he started out in the worst looking hives all over his face and down his neck. Within 10 mins they were scattered over his belly and back. They were not normal looking hives, it looked more like a raised burn all over his mouth, under his nose and down his neck. It looked awful. We had to race to the drug store for Benedryl, the pharmacist stayed open until we could get there. Baby got his dose and it literally made him so sleepy he just looked and I'm sure felt awful. This is not the first time my mom has done this, give the baby something I don't want him to have. "Oh it won't hurt him, just a little taste." Well I didn't say anything because I know she was freaking out. She totally realized that she screwed up. But I was really angry. 2 little dabs and he had quite a reaction. Now I have to figure out if it was the egg yolk that was in the filling or was it something in the powder? I'm betting on the egg factor. Still I hate when people feed MY baby things after I've specifically said not to.