Clomid but apparently I'm at my peak day and haven't eaten started the rx yet, or my period

I see all these posts that have replies on thwm, but unfortunately no one replies, can y'all please put some input into mine or help me understand what's going on if you know.:. Last month I went in on the 21st day of my cycle and got blood taken to check my progesterone levels. The next day my Drs nurse called and said they needed to be above 12 to show that I actually ovulated that month. Well they were 0.25. So basically I didn't ovulate. I was given an RX for clomid and that was around the beginning of March. So I should have started my period around the 19th or so. (Mind you I have been pretty regular the past 5-6 months, since we've been TTC) 
Well my period never came, but I've been having major ovulation pains (more than normal) I can always tell when I'm ovulating by the way my ovaries feel. But they feel almost inflamed and I'm extremely bloated. I HAVE NOT TAKEN CLOMID YET, so this isn't a side effect of that.. 
Last night out of curiosity, I took a clear blue advanced OPK and it showed a solid smiley  and that I was on my peak fertile day. So does that mean I just skipped ovulation and period last cycle, and I could be ovulating now? I'm so confused. I've never wished a period to come like I have this past week so I can just start this clomid!! 
I need advice, answers, or just some comfort. I would love to actually be ovulating because we haven't been under the "stress" of timing sex and TTC due to me waiting on my period to start clomid. So we've just been BDing a few times a week. So I'm hoping by us not "trying" this will turn into a pregnancy.... 
I'm still anxiously awaiting that period though so I can start this clomid. I will be calling my doctor tomorrow, but I just wanted some input before then if possible.