My relationship will be ruined

I hate my boyfriends family all of them are evil lying horrible people who leave their own kids, ring social services on their own family and i dont want to be involved with them. My partners mum left all 3 kids for a man put them into care, has had them punched in the face for lying to her etc she really is nasty but my partner still glorifies her and this annoys me so much that il go into a mood when he texts her. He gets nothing for his bday or xmas and i dont want my unborn child growing up to think this is how we treat family. I think its silly that he still speaks to his family when i have told him i want nothing to do with them. The things they have done would really scare you and theres noway you would want any of them near your baby so what can i do? Literally when my partner speaks to them about our baby like after scans telling them how it went, the names we have thought of etc i feel myself beginning to shake and i will loose feelings a tiny bit for him because it makes me sick how he wants these people involved!!! 😢😢😢 i just love my baby so much and dont want it growing up in that environment ino its my partners family but honestly its crazy the things they are capable of but how do i stop feeling like this?