A Easter to Remember!

Where to begin... A short version..  My husband has 6 kids from his previous marriage & I have 2. We married in 2014. At first we didn't have all his kids living with us however that was short lived. Now they all reside with us, making 10 of us total under one roof! Life is crazy but good! ... It was time to get my IUD removed & start birth control again. However we decided, heck we are already at 8 kids.. What's one more?  Lol. I had my IUD removed & found out I had cancer cells that needed removed.. I had surgery with the possibility of not having kids again. We were devastated. .... All went well & we could start trying .. Well month after month came & went with BFN everytime.. Our hopefulness was fading. Then 6 month check up find out my cells are testing positive again.. We will do a check again I'm 4mo. By this time it's been 8mo since my IUD was removed & I was completely believing it just was not meant to be for us ... Doc said we would start fertility testing in the next mo or 2 if we didn't get a positive. I was honestly losing all hope. But we were still trying! .... I was supposed to start today.. Took my second test today.. It reads both the same... I'm PREGNANT!! .. All we can say is GOD is GOOD! & We can't stop thanking him for this amazing Easter gift! We are not telling anyone for awhile so here is the only place I can say it. Oh I can't wait to see what we are having. As of now our crew is 7 boys & only 1 girl! I'm praying for a girl!! Lol!