Tips & advice! + OPK

Amanda • Hi my name is Amanda. I'm Happily married to the love of my life. I am the mother to 4 beautiful angels in Heaven, my first born Hannah passed the age of 5 due to health issues and negligence from the doctor whos care she was in at the time. She was my wh

Happy Easter, I just got the darkest Pos. Opk this month! I have been ttc for 17 monthssssss with no luck! I have experienced 2 losses before this journey. One was my only child she was only 5, she passed last April due to a chd kbown as hypoplastic right heart syndrome. I miss her more than my heart can possibly bare. I also miscarried 6 months before loosing her at 13 weeks which also broke my heart bc my Hannah was so excited to become a big sister. :(

I miss being a mom so bad, and I know the love of a child will help comfort me through this difficult life.

I am looking for allll tips and advice to help me FINALLY concieve and have my RAINBOW BABY. Because this has been one hell of a storm for me and I am ready to see just the slightest glimpse of light at the end of this tunnel. God Bless us all, in Jesus name! AMEN!