Metformin and progesterone



My doctor put me on metformin to go with my progesterone about 3 weeks ago. I've have a touch of the diarrhea but that's about all for the side affect part. But here is my story... I am 25 and me and my husband have been TTC for about 2 years now. I have PCOS which I just got diagnosed with about 3 months ago. I weighed 285 at the time and I was told I was pre diabetic. I haven't have a period on my own in a long time and won't have one unless I take my progesterone each month. I also don't ovulate on my own... Will metformin help me ovulate ?? Since then I have lost weight now weighing 240 and still working on it. Now taking metformin I am just wondering what's everyone's take on it. I want a baby so bad and I am dying to be a mom. Its so frustrating when every one around you is having kids and everything you want and your just stuck with nothing ! My best friend just found out yesterday she is prego with her 3rd child and I can't help but be so jealous. Any success stories with metformin?

Thanks everyone.