TTC for 9months now

Hiya me and my partner have been TTC for 8months now. My periods haven't exactly been normal through my life. But I've already got 2 children ones 6 and other nearly four and they both wasn't planed there both from my last relationship but since me an my new partner have been trying it would be the first time I've acutely paid attention to my body some months I've gone 26 days between periods and some months gone 34. Well this month 11 days after my period I had for 4 days not heavy but enough to wear a pad. Well anyway I've tracked when my ovilation started an was expecting it on 22/03/16 but on the 18/03/16 I started light spotting brown/pinkish discharge anyway this had carryed on till my ovilation date on the 22nd so me and my partner had sex on my ovilation date but just after my brown spotting has carried on and off till today 28th but when I went toilet early I noticed a tiny bit of bright blood just a tiny drop on toilet paper. So I'm just wondering with it been 6days past my ovilation date could this mean that this month I may have got lucky.. I really could do with some advice don't want to go to doctors as they just turn there nose up at you like your going crazy like they did with my son that I didn't no I was pregnant till I was 19 weeks because they didn't listen to me when I told them I had weird periods but neg test so if anyone could help and give me some advice if much appreciate it :)