A little excitement


Ladies I know it's late or early lol but I'm at work over night..so earlier I had cramps and felt like AF was coming even though it's not due until the 29th. So I immediately ran home and got in the shower..when I got out I wiped and was expecting the normal heavy flow but just got pinkish spotting. I wiped about 3 more times and it was gone. So I got back to check maybe 30 minutes later and the same thing. Maybe about 2 hours later I am getting ready for work and checked so I wipe and it picked up so I insert a tampon thinking this is def AF (sad face) but then I get to work and have to use the bathroom (as I've been using it more frequently) I notice there's barely anything on the tampon but I had it in for about 3 hours(unusual for my heavy flow) so now I'm at work and just came from using the bathroom for the 5th time already since I've been here and I wipe and get just pink. I don't want to get excited too early but I'm definitely hopeful ! Pray for me guys !

PS I know I've been posting a whole lot !! So thank you all for responding and putting up with my post !