
Constance • 24. College Grad. Engaged to love of my life Tobias Simms. Hopes for a princess on 6.4.17

We have been trying for a baby for almost 9 months now and still no luck. To make matters worse me and my SO got into a huge arguement and he called off the wedding and broke up with me. I refuse to cry but its killing my inside. I feel like we did all this trying for nothing and putting my body through hell all for a man that didn't want another baby to begin with. I want to cry so bad but I can't bring myself to do so especially if he broke up with me over a stupid argument. To make shit even more unnecessary he just left home at 2 in the morning like I'm just supposed to chase him. Especially not after the stupid argument we had and he just called off everything. Ive invested so much in this relationship just to end up looking stupid. I hate feeling like this!!!!!😢😢😢😢Sorry for the extensive vent but I feel like I'm about to lose my freaking mind

Someone please help me get my MIND together,I can feel my heart literally breaking