Trying to get pregnant

Pippa • TTC baby number 2 - this time with the right man. Married my SO in June 2015. Let the new chapter begin....
Hey everyone, my first log - wahoo 🙃
So me and my husband have been trying for just over two years and nothing was happening. My period stopped completely last August (2015) so the doctor recently gave me some tablets to start things up again.... After taking them for 10 days and waiting another 2 I finally got my period and it is heavy. Super heavy. I've been bleeding for 17 days now none stop and the amount of clots is worrying. I feel so weak. I'm having to change super plus tampons and sanitary towels after 1hr 30 - 2 hours max. Has anyone else had a similar experience and got any tips how I can ease this cycle? I have a 6 year old happy healthy little girl from a previous relationship and hubby is dying for a baby to experience all the first's (1st steps, word, crawling etc) as he came into our lives when Alice was 2years 6months. Would we be able to have <a href="">IVF</a> treatment or because I have conceived naturally last time would they not allow this on NHS? Thanks for reading 😊😌