33 weeks tomorrow 😀

Chardonnay • 🐣 Garrick Ryan (03.01.12) & Dakota Nicholas (Due 05.17.16) 💕

I'm getting super excited. At first I was bummed because it's taking so long but I only want him early because I'm usually in a lot of pain. I already have his crib, two drawers full of clothes and a drawer full of diapers and his changing pad. I'm getting his car seat and stroller this week, his baby carrier, bath tub and changing table.

Anyway there is a point to this post. Anyone 32-33 weeks and experiencing extreme diarrhea? I know it can be caused by dehydration but I'm not. Its like, all during the day I'm blocked but once I fall asleep, I shoot up out of bed and am on the toilet for an hour.