Head is spinning !

Jil • I m 26 yrs old ! Married for 2 yrs.. TTC baby #1 for 6 months !! Happy life, loving parents,sweetheart husband !!
Dear ladies,
I am at 12dpo and today morning my head was spinning ! I can see the room spin and i had to go back to bed. I was scared bcos i have never experienced this before in my life. ! I dont symptom spot anything and i know i have been having some mild pain in lower abdomen on and off but i dont know at what dpo it happened bcos i am sick of symptom spotting and getting AF at the end ! But this head spinning really scared me out ! If its not a preggo symptom, then i definetely have to check with neurologist ! I went on a road trip yesterday to DC cherry blossom so i roamed full day yesterday ! Kindly let me know if any of them had this ? This is my 6th month ttc