I got my positive after 5 months!

I wanted to post this to encourage the ladies who haven't gotten a positive yet. 
My husband and I have been married for 5 months and trying for a baby. Each month I swore I had a million symptoms and had every app you could imagine. We had sex as often as possible. I tracked literally everything. March 1st rolled around and I said "no. I'm done. I can't deal with the stress. Delete the apps. Ignore when ovulation comes. Track nothing, not even my period! And relax." I didn't even know when my period was due. I finally felt content with enjoying married life. Although I still longed for a child, I was CONTENT and have even been saying that to my husband, mom, and sister, the last week.
Yesterday, Easter morning. I knew it was around the time my period should start but I was having no period signs. I decided to take a test that way if it was negative I could get that out of my head. It was positive!!! I'm 5 weeks! We conceived on my husbands birthday which means our baby is due on MY birthday, Decemeber 4th ☺️❤️ It was the only time we had sex during my fertile week cause I was very sick. But I wanted to give him a good birthday. So we announced to our families during the egg hunt when my niece opened an egg with the announcement on it. 😊
I'm telling you, let it go! Get off these apps and live life as if a child is way in the future. Then when it comes, you'll be more surprised than ever. 😊 The feeling of seeing those two lines is like nothing else!!! NOW I can come back to glow 😉