Getting baby to stay asleep

I have been trying to increase my supply lately so that I can supplement my daughter with what I pump and store some for when I go back to work...
My husband works 8-5 during the week so pumping when I am home alone can be very difficult.
Usually the thing that wakes my daughter from her naps is when she wets herself- she absolutely hates a wet diaper. This morning she napped for 50 minutes and then another 30 minutes, and once she pees all bets are off and she is up and angry.
Is anyone else's baby like this over wet diapers? Poopy diapers not so much, though I change those immediately when I know she has pooped so she isn't sitting in all that filth. 
She is 6 weeks and I don't feel comfortable letting her cry through it since they can't really self sooth this young. 
Also I started pumping in a different room becuase I swear it seemed like she would wake up to the smell me pumping my milk haha! 
It's 11:30 am and I am yet to pump at all today because she keeps waking up! 😓