Sick as a dog

Aja • I`m 23 years old. My fiancé and I have been ttc for 19 months now without any luck. I`ve never been pregnant but i never would have thought it would take this long.
I started my period on Easter. I woke up at 4am this morning to go pee and I felt like throwing up. I did end up throwing up. In fact I had to call into work because if it as well as diharrea. I went to the bathroom and threw up 3 times before I was posed to go to work at 7am. I went back to sleep for awhile and woke up it happened again. I tried to eat some slices of oranges. I ate 3 slices n drank some water. Well all of that came back up. I'm so miserable but my SO just bought me ginger ale and some crackers hopefully I can keep it down or else I'm going to the hospital.