Fertility Question!

My husband and I have been ttc for 18 months with no luck. I took Clomid for three cycles with no luck also. The GYN I was seeing left Kaiser and I was automatically given a new/random GYN. The new GYN is nice but she is not as willing to try another round of Clomid or Femara. I hate to keep switching dr's so I'm looking into alternative medicine to help induce ovulation. I have tried Vitex (Chasteberry) but that messed my cycle up even worse...90 day cycles. Even though I have PCOS, I still had 45 day cycles at the most. Anyway, I researched Soy Isoflavones. Apparently it's nature version of Clomid. I want to try it and was curious if anyone had success using this product or even heard of it? They say Soy is bad for woman with PCOS but if it will do the trick, I'll try it. Thanks in advance!