She delivered herself - nobody knew !

03/14-I went in for an induction Sunday an epidural around 9am Monday morning (approx 5cm). The epidural worked for about 30 and then the contractions got stronger and stronger. Yet, my legs were completely numb. The anesthesiologists came back, used a syringe to pump meds into me, still felt them. He then realized the plunger was inserted too far down and pulled it out a bit. Using the syringe, be pumped more meds into me !! Yay, finally relief !! Ok, I hadn't slept all night...nap time. I have no idea how long I slept, but I was awaken by my nurse trying to find the baby's heartbeat with the monitor. I see a look of concern in her eyes after a couple minutes. She asks me to roll to my back so that she can get the monitor set. She assists me to my back (I can't feel a thing !!) She places the monitor on my belly, nothing. No heartbeat. Now she looks panicked...and so am I. She then says she's going to examine me to see how dilated I am...that doesn't seem right to me. She pulls back my bed covers...all I hear her say is "oh baby!" At that point someone must have pushed an alarm or something, because in rushed 4-5 nurses and a doctor I've never seen before. She runs to the bed and says "don't worry, I'm a doctor" ! WTH ! She goes for my bed and reaches down by my legs ! There was my little peanut...just laying there on the bed. She delivered herself...I didn't feel a thing !! She weighed 6lbs 10ozs and she's perfect.  Her daddy died the day after Thanksgiving. We believe that he delivered her safe and was the first one to hold her ❤️ 
Because of all the took over 5 hours after her birth to feel my legs again. And time of birth? Well, they had to go by the heart rate monitor to see when she must have snuck out. 
And that's my crazy birth story. She's two weeks old today.