39 weeks 2 days still no baby 😳

Today I am 39 weeks & 2 days. I don't think my little girl is ever going to come. My next doctors appointment is Thursday 3/31. Bad part is my doctor is on vacation this week. My doctor still hasn't talked to me about being induced or scheduling a c-section. I am not progressing with labor at all. At 36 weeks I was 50% effaced. That is all that I am. I still haven't dropped. Not sure I ever will. 
At my last doctors appointment on Tuesday my doctor let me know that she doesn't think the baby will drop down in to my cervix and pubic bone is flat instead of being a triangle. I am leaning towards a c-section. My doctor wants me to wait until the 5th of April to decide what I want to do. This is after my due date. I feel like everyone has either a date to be induced or a c-section date. Why won't my doctor induce me early? I am a FTM as well.