My story

In July of 2015 I had a miscarriage around 5 weeks. I was so depressed and angry that it almost ended my relationship, but we fought through it as we both were saddened by what happened. Than the day before thanksgiving I was suppose to start my period but didn't, so I went home from work and tested with the last pregnancy test I had since we started came back negative. I got in the shower and cried and started to think whether I was able to have my own children or not. Then when I got out of the shower I looked at it again and the second line had appeared. I called my boyfriend to the room and ran to him and started crying. He was so confused and then I showed him the test. We both say there and cried a little. 
Today I am 21 weeks pregnant with a beautiful baby girl that's due on August 5th. Just a week before her daddy's birthday and we couldn't be more blessed.