Feeling movement EVERYWHERE

Aerin • FTM- baby girl due May 28! 🎀👑 Still so unreal.
I feel movement all over. Sometimes it's a little foot or hand way in my side, like almost to my back, plus the usual rolling around. Low punches, high kicks, butt poking out on either side depending on which way she rolls.. My belly morphs nonstop at night, and she has gotten a lot more active throughout the day as well, but when I say that I feel the kicks/pushes in my side/back area, I always get crazy looks. I do think to myself 'Jesus, how much room do you have in there kid?' Is this normal? My doctor calls me a baby-hider, because my belly measures too small but my girl measures 2 weeks ahead.  FTM just trying to figure out what's normal? If there is a normal..