Low Placenta (18 Weeks)

So went to work today and was sitting on my chair when I got up and felt a sharp pain (like a pull of some sort) I thought oh I wow I need to take it easy when I get up. But the pain lasted for over 2 hours and it started moving towards my lower pelvic area. So I decided to call my Dr and she checked everything out. She cancelled out the possibility of it being my appendix, but she said she did notice my placenta is still pretty low for 18 weeks. I have my anatomy ultrasound next week and she said she would see the results of it and see from there. 
I have a 3 yr old daughter. When I was pregnant with her I spotted at 5 months. My Dr said it can be caused by having a low placenta. She said sometimes it moves up on its own, anyone experience this type of scare but then it be ok afterwards ?