Hope I word this correctly...

I woke up this morning with a achey left arm I just put it down to sleeping awkward. As the day has gone on its like a stabbing pinching feeling at the top inner bit of my arm that goes to my wrist. I took a shower earlier like I always do and my partner said ' woah what's up with your boob it's massive' and when I looked in the mirror my left breast is abnormally big. Like a whole size bigger than it ever is.. I'm quite concerned that this has happened over night. I'm 26 years old and my period is due in 11 days ( I know sometimes periods and hormones etc).. has anyone experienced anything like this? It's bank holiday and 12.11am so can't see a Dr but will make an appointment if it doesn't go back to normal... Also I have noticed for a couple of days the left breast has been really itchy to the point I've made it red n sore from scratching so much! It's like an itch I can't scratch 😤😤.. any advice is welcome 😊 xx