It's that time again...

✨Jen✨ • 32, happily married to my best friend ❤️ TTC #1 for 2.5 years! BFP 4-10-17 🤗💕 TTC #2 as of January 2020!
Day 21 is tomorrow so I'll be going in for blood work to have my progesterone checked to see if I ovulated. I'm extra anxious about it this time, because I don't know if I did or not. Last cycle I was sure of it way before day 21. I had positive OPKs and bbt charting showed me exactly what day ovulation occurred. This cycle however I didn't take OPKs because we were on vacation and staying with family and I wanted to just relax and not test for it, and my bbt chart has been weird this month and I can't see if I ovulated or not. So keep your fingers crossed for me ladies! Hopefully they will be quick about telling me the results.