Ectopic pregnancy!!

Nickey • Married, mother of two amazing kids and two angels!

So I just had surgery today because I find out I had an ectopic pregnancy in my tube! But the whole story is complicated! Here it is:

Had positive pregnancy test, started bleeding dark brown blood.

Went to have ultrasound Thursday, doc couldn't see anything yet so I was sent for blood work to check my HCG level.

Thursday it was 1,110. Went back again Saturday and it went up to 2,528. So that was a good sign. Turned out that I was no as far along as we thought.

Well, I went back today for another ultrasound and asked div to check my left side because it had be hurting.

1. Seen a sac in my uterus

2. Found a sac in my tube also!

Had to have surgery to have it removed!

But here's the kicker...

1.I either was supposed to be preganat with twins and one for stuck


2. The sac in my tube caused a pseudo sac in my uterus, meaning it isn't real!

So I'll find out for sure next week!