Bad mum :(


Feeling like a bad mum today. I have a 3 yr old and I am currently 18 weeks pregnant.

This morning little man had been laying in the same spot for an hour as soon as it was time to get ready for day care the carrying on began. He couldn't possibly lay where he was as there was crumbs. His legs were flying he was trying to kick me and I got cranky with him. I gave him a little smack, the way he cried about it tho made me feel so crappy! He said to me why did you do that mummy and then he told me that I was mean. I still feel super crappy now, I did not mean to lose my temper with him I was just very irritable this morning. I love him more than words can say. I hope I am not the only one this happens to! How could you get cranky with him.