in-law rant/advice (warning: heavy subject matter related to mental illness)

My husbands younger brother (my brother in law) committed suicide by shooting himself in the head, when I was about 12 weeks pregnant. We did not have a close relationship but we were trying to be very supportive of his progress and stay in touch with him frequently. My husband and I were on team green and we were surprised this February when we had a boy. Ever since the babys birth both my father in law and my mother in law make statements (separately, as they are bitterly divorced) about how much the baby is like my deceased brother in law. They will say "oh John was just like that, so gassy all the time." or... "John was a bad sleeper too!!!" "or... he is so alert and active, like John, John wanted to always be upright too." It wouldn't bother me as much except my mother in law has always said she knew something wasnt right with John since birth and she has said on numerous occasions "I wanted 3 kids, but John was the reason I only have two, after him I didnt have more children." I am trying not to let it bother me that they are now making all these comparisons. I am trying to remember that my inlaws are grieving parents. BUT it is odd to me that they never make comparisons about my husband (the babys father) and my son. How do I get over this? I feel like I cant say anything to my husband or I will deeply upset him. I dont think I can say anything to my inlaws either. Feeling stuck. :/