Boyfriend's ex is going to raise my blood pressure

So my boyfriend's ex girlfriend from 6yrs ago calls him last night and starts cussing him out for not telling her I'm preggo. First I'm like ok they were best friends nd now she feels left out. But then she hangs up on him nd 5 mins later calls him back doing the same thing. I began to get aggravated because he is eating her bullshit when our life has nothing to do with her. So now I'm pissed at him for allowing her to disrespect him nd not standing up to her. Mind you the only reason she found out is because we had to tell his mom right away so she wouldn't smoke around me but then his mom told the whole world nd it got to her. If it was my way I would have waited till my sec trimester to announce my pregnancy. So anyways as she's still on the phone with him ruining our night she decides to drive over to our house! Like WTF!!! At 1 in the morning and when he said he was going down stairs I flipped out because this situation should not be going this far. Matter of fact my pregnancy should not be a situation in her life. I told him to put her in her place because she's not the one having the baby. It's not her life it's ours nd she has no right to be upset or to come to my house and disturb my peace with my fiancé. So he came to his senses nd told her to chill in go home after I made him open his eyes. The girl is only upset because she not having his baby. But who cares right? He moved on fell in love nd is now starting a family and now she is disrupting my peace. I kinda feel I over reacted but I would expect him to do the same if the tables were turned. I don't need this in my life and I refuse to let her come and bring drama in my life. I don't know her but I don't like her nd I promise no matter what anybody says she will not be invited to the baby shower unless she apologizes to my man for her childish behavior. Comments ladies