Am I a bad wife?

My husband and I have been married for almost two years. We stopped birth control when we got married. Four months later I was pregnant! A little background on me: I've had a miscarriage before my pregnancy the whole situation with the baby's father really messed me up and traumatized me. Unfortunately the pregnancy with my husband ended with a miscarriage at 8 weeks. We were devastated. The doctors seemed to have figured out that I had luteral phase disorder and it could easily be helped with progesterone. I was determined to get pregnant after the three month rest period. Well, my period became severely irregular. My doctor put me on Clomid. Half way thru my first cycle my husband dropped a bomb on me. He said he did not want to have a baby with me yet. In fact he said he didn't want to have a baby the whole time we were trying but that he did it to make me happy. I literally felt like my heart broke in half. My husband has a young son from a previous relationship. So it hurt even more to know he did not want a child with me. I honestly hate him for what he did and I don't know if I can get over it. Am I a bad wife for hating what he did??