Do I have a right

Kathryn • Hello everyone, my name is Kathryn and my fiancé and I are trying for baby number 2. We have a 4 year old daughter
Okay so tell me if I'm wrong...but my fiancé sister will be 4 and half months pregnant on Wednesday. She was super excited when she found out. It was unplanned which is okay nothing wrong with that..anyways she was super excited and I thought oh she will make an amazing mom! She's great with kids. May take her a little longer to get used to it then most just cause she is really used to living that lifestyle go where you want, when you want,with who you want and stay out all night and party..anyways even though my fiancé and I've been trying for 2 years for our 2nd with no luck and there is a small pet of me that is jealous I am still happy..well I guess a week or 2 ago she was freaking out saying she doesn't know what she's doing and she's scared..typical right? Well then she was telling her mom (my future mother n law) why is she doing this maybe she should of have aborted the baby and so on now she says she feels fat and can't wait her jeans and she hates wearing matarntiy clothes and so on. Maybe it's her freaking out I don't know but it hurts to hear these things when her brother and I are struggling to get pregnant! I don't say anything to her but is it right of me to be upset??