Round Ligament Pain and Girdles

So my husband and I are building a home and last week while helping clear brush (yes, I know at 31wks I need to be sitting out) I was bent over quite a lot picking up sticks and things. I felt that night that I had hurt myself and I assumed it was a pulled groin as that's very much what it felt like. It's been a little over a week now and the pain is worse if anything and has spread into my lower back and further up the front of my groin. From what I've read online this is fairly normal pain for this far along in the pregnancy and is most likely round ligament pain. I've read that pregnancy girdles help, but since we're building a house cash is tight so if I'm going to invest in one with only 9 weeks to go, I want to make sure it's worth my money. Does anyone have any similar experiences or advice?