Arggggg. *vent*

Megan • Age 22. Mother of 2.Preterm labor at 18 wks 5 days with first pregnancy. Was a boy, 8 oz, 8 in. he lived for 1 hr. So strong :)Baby girl 12/27/16 33 weeks

My so's nieces are visiting for spring break. And one whom I guess he hasn't seen in a while slept in our room last night on a little couch we have. I woke up in the morning to find her there. Didn't bug me much. But what bothered me was the conversation they had. She asked who I was. He told her my name. She then asked him if I was his gf. He said no. She then asked so what is she. He goes my friend.

That pissed me off and I got mad so he got mad that I got mad at him and now he keeps acting funny towards me, but then tells her that I'm pregnant.