Those moments

Does anyone have though moments, wether your on your period or not, where you're just sad? You're sad for and you just cry and think about all the stuff you go through or have to deal with. I'm a freshman in high school and have to focus on a job, paying my way (while living with my mom, who is single with no help from my worthless father, and my brother, who doesn't know how good he has it) through school (for all the activities I'm in), I'm in 3 different things and they are year round activities, and now I'm trying out for a new thing to do. I'm a straight A student, I've only had one boyfriend (for almost 2 years) other then the one I'm currently with (going on 1 year, April 21) and my mom gave me condoms, but I keep telling her that I don't want them and I won't need them since I'm not ready to have sex. I know it sounds like I'm just complaining but I'm the balance in my household since my brother fail his classes and only cares about games. My brother is exactly like my father. I also have really bad father issues, since he used to let his girlfriend beat me, and since he kidnapped my brother then told me that he was happy that I was gone. I know I shouldn't blame it on myself but sometimes it just feels like I run myself into these kind of situations. Like when I was 7 my cousin, who was a girl would make me play weird sex games and watch porn with her then we would hide in a closet and she would want to play "house". I never knew what I was doing but I could've told someone. Another time my mom used to have this boyfriend and we were staying at his family's house in Cali and his nephew snuck down to the base to the room I was staying in, while I was sleeping, and he put his fingers in me. I'm new to this app and I don't really know why I'm doing this but I just need to let stuff off my chest and I don't want anyone to worry, because I hate therapist sessions.