Possible to get smaller boobs

Janay • Divorced, but still love him, have 1 prince and 3 princesses.... mom of twin girls...... I don’t need extravagant things in life I just want to live comfortably and be happy and healthy
Ok I'm 5'10" 239lbs right now. I had a baby a year ago and I'm ready to drop my "baby weight." I know how to lose my weight I've done it twice before but my real question is can I do any arm or chest workouts(strength training) to help reduce my boob size? The last time I dropped weight my boobs went down of course but only two cup sizes 😒 I wonder if it's possible to go from a 38H to a 34DD without surgery and weighing 195lbs. Im a curvy girl but I'm not a fan of back aches and my bra being able to fit my mans head like a helmet 😩😩😒😒😒 that shit is embarrassing not sexy at all