How to start exercising again...?

I'll take all suggestions I can can just no down talk please!

I am almost 21 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I am just not at a point where I have enough energy and realize how important it is to continue to exercise while pregnant.

I have struggled with my weight for a few years due to PCOS, and before I got pregnant I was working out and dieting and lost 7lbs (I know it doesn't sound like much but for me it was great!) I have always been active my entire life until I suffered knee injuries in high school that slowed me down alot! So I was heavy to begin with, 178lbs, but built pretty well and carry my weight evenly. However, already this pregnancy I have gained 12 lbs!

Like I said before, I'm just getting to a point where I have enough energy to want to go work out but I don't know where to start because it has been so long. Before I got pregnant I was doing high cardio and weight lifting and eating pretty healthy. I just need tips on how to get back to a healthier lifestyle for the remainder of my pregnancy and to continue after I have my daughter.

Thank you for reading and your time/advice!