What are some ways you handle your cramps ?

When I start my period , the 1st two days are pretty horrible for me so I make sure to keep a Midol by my side (lol) but when I started my cycle yesterday , I knew I did'nt have any and it was too late to go and get any so , I tell you , my cramps were eating me alive, I could'nt even sleep. The pain woke up at 3am so I made me some tea . It actually did settle the pain but of course I was still cramping. I woke up this morning and went to the store . The Tea remedy only lasted so long, lol so you know I was half dead at the store 😂😭💀 ! I went to CVS and quickly went to the 711 next door and got some hot tea so my midol could desolve quick , and by the time I would get home it would start to kick in ! So yea . Seems like Midol is the only thing that works for me . I was hoping I could have went without it this month but it was totally impossible ! 😫 .