Peace πŸ™πŸΎπŸ˜‡

I start a new job on April 18 and my baby will be 7 weeks old when she starts going to the baby sitter. From the time she's been born we have been sleeping together. We do the bonding thing of skin to skin. I know she loves it but my family tells me to stop because the baby sitter won't be able to hold her like I do. Her baby sitter is her god mother who spoils her like I do. She only has 2 other kids that she keep so I'm not worried about her giving my baby the right attention. Ok switching the topic. I'm a new mom as of Feburay 25th 2016. I really love and enjoy being a mom. I just have fear of harming my baby and not intentionally. I mean by accidently dropping her when making a bottle or something or taking my anger out on her cause I don't have enough patience after a long day of work. I love my daughter with every bone in my body and my daughter is the greatest blessing God has given me. I know I will not actually harm my baby is just a fear of mine. I do have a lot of help from my family when I feel over whelmed. I'm also asking that you pray for me and my baby to take away that fear. I asking that you pray that God continues to keep my baby in his hands as she grows and develop. I'm also asking that God favors me and bless my daughters father to be my ex boyfriend off and on of 8 years. When my daughter was conceived I was dealing with my ex boyfriend and a guy that I just met. I was sexual active with both at the same time please do not judge. My ex boyfriend was planning and trying to make a baby so me messing with the other guy was w accident. I have been asking and begging everybody to pray with me cause when 2 or 3 are in then God is in the midst. I really want my ex boyfriend to be my daughters father not just to have a family but because we have history and I have stories I can tell my daughter. I'm already embarrassed and ashamed about this so please do judgement comments. Please pray for me and my daughter to get our own apartment and car soon. Please pray for my daughter to do well at her baby sitter and my daughters father is my ex boyfriend. Thank you