Hating breastfeeding?

Anyone else hating breastfeeding? I'm 11 days into it and I really wish I had gone with formula! Instead, I have to wait 4 weeks before my husband can take a few feedings here and there.  
I love the closeness of breastfeeding but despise the time consumption, the difficulty of latching, and the baby fists that get in the way of trying to feed her. 
It's going more smoothly in the past few days, but I have to use a nipple shield to get her on my boob. Otherwise she flat out won't latch. We are going to get her mouth checked out soon for tongue tie and such. 
UPDATE: I give up. I've tried to exclusively breastfeed for two weeks now. And she hasn't gained weight in a week. She's maintained at least, but no growth. So I'm now bottle feeding my milk to her after she has a go on both sides of my chest. Soon though it may just be bottle once I can get my supply back up to what it was a few days ago. I haven't felt "firm" breasts in days, so that should have told me she wasn't getting enough. Gah this is all just so frustrating. And if my supply dies on me, then I'll switch to formula. And as emotional as this is, I know there is no shame in giving up on the breasts.