Wanting to try porn with hubby! Help!

First off this is super awkward for me because I am not a sexual person. I avoid sex if possible and don't feel its necessary. I know I'm weird. I just prefer other means of intimacy (cuddling, kisses, holding hands) I think it stems from being ungodly self conscious... I am heavy n have been since we met. . And he loves and accepts me as me but I have a hard time believing if I'm not okay with me why should he be?

Anywhoo... I have friends who watch porn together(spouses or SO) and sparks a flame.. Thought it might work for us... But I've brought porn up or tried to make comments about it and he thinks I'm joking or making fun of him because he utilizes it lol ! ( I have no problems with that either). It is awkward for me to talk to him bout it or at least feels that way to me.. How do I go about asking him to try and watch together and see if it helps... We have a 4 and 2 year old and I am 23 weeks pregnant now. So timing has to be good hah!
