He doesn't want baby number 2?!?!?! What do I do.


Me and my partner have been together 7 years, we have a beautiful little girl who is 5. We got pregnant early on it was a genuine accident with the pill and me being unwell (the best one in the world) we where 21 nearly 22 when we had her and now she's 5 and we are 27 I want another one and have for a while now, but he doesn't, he says he's not completely against the idea one day but I'm not so sure he only says that to stop me going on about it, he never mentions it if I dont first and his reasons are just silly... I hate the thought of having to pick between the family we have now and the family that I want 😓 he says we are still young which I understand but he seems to think we have forever I dont want to leave it to late before we start trying because it can take along time... I desperately want my little girl to have a sibling that she grows up with and thats a getting further away... I'm just not sure how to convince him or If I can...

I came off the implant 2 years ago so the contraception has been up to him and has been his decision as he knows I want one.

But I don't want to break up my family because of this... And I will never trick him or pressure him into it a baby is just as much his responsibility as mine for the rest of his life and I dont think thats fare